SAASE Introduces Associate Membership

The SAASE Board of Directors are pleased to announce the SAASE Associate/Service Membership. The membership is meant for any individuals, companies or organisations that work within the fair industry in Saskatchewan. By building a strong Associate/Service Membership this will give SAASE members an opportunity to network with suppliers of goods and services. Many times, if we need something or have a problem, the biggest thing is knowing who to talk to. The Associate/Service Membership will give SAASE members that resource. This will also present an opportunity for SAASE members to generate some additional revenue. All of our members know an organisation or individual who should be a member of SAASE. It could be a company that manufactures trailers, or an individual who has a concession trailer or an entertainment act. SAASE is offering to each member who brings in an Associate/Service Member ½ of the membership fee for the first year.

The membership fee for an Associate/Service member is $200 per year. So that means for each Service member that a SAASE member brings in that Agricultural Society will receive $100. The Associate/Service Membership application form is located on the SAASE website, as well, as applications that have been sent out to the Agricultual Society Presidents and Secretaries.

Associate/Service Member Benefits Include:

  • SAASE Newsletter – It is published 4 times a year and is the source of information for what is happening with SAASE and its members. *An article highlighting the new service member will appear in the Service Member Profile section.
  • Annual Convention – The annual convention is held in March every year. Included in the Service Membership is the opportunity for the member to set up a complimentary booth at our convention, as well as promoting their business with information that would be included in the convention packages.
  • SAASE Website – The Service Member would have their profile included on the SAASE website, as well as a link to their website.
  • Networking Opportunities – The SAASE membership allows our Service members an opportunity to get to know our SAASE members, as well as other people and organisations connected to the fair industry.
  • SAASE Annual Directory – SAASE is in the process of producing our fi rst ever directory which goes to all members. The Service Member will receive the Annual Directory, which will be an excellent source of SAASE member contact information and dates. The SAASE Directory will put our Service members – their services and products in front of SAASE members year round.

The Associate/Service membership will be an excellent way to not only help make SAASE grow, but give our Agricultural Societies a real resource to help them in their daily operations. I would encourage all of our Agricultural Societies to help out by bringing new Associate/Service members into SAASE. Not only will it help you out as far as fundraising is concerned, but it is a way that we can make the whole fair industry in Saskatchewan stronger.

Associate Member List:

Thank you to our partners for your support and generosity
helping with our SAASE projects and the communities of Saskatchewan.

Contact Us

Regina, SK - S4R 8R6 - P.O. Box 31025
P: (306) 565-2121
F: (306) 565-2079


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